Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mr. Rwanda

Mr. Rwanda,
Why would you do this?
Why do you hate the Tutsi?
Why would you let this happen?

Mr. Rwanda
Why did you let so many die?
Many died without a reason

Mr. Rwanda,
What was the point of targeting kids?
Why would you target and kill
all those innocent children?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why kill them kids,
when you should be killing:
the blood stained, the guilty and the tainted?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why are you so angry with the Tutsi?

Mr. Rwanda
Why wouldn't you protect us?
Why did you betray us?

Mr.  Rwanda,
Why do you hate us so?  

Mr. Rwanda,
Why did you make your lands,
turn into mass graves,
Soils ridden with innocent bloods,
a personal hell on earth,
well for some.
Why do you hate us so?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why did you send us to our deaths ?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why did you sign our death certificates?
Why do you loathe us so?

Mr. Rwanda,
Are you ashamed?
Why did you turn away from our people,
being bludgeoned,
being raped,
and our massacre?
Mr. Rwanda,
Why did you turn away,
from the bludgeoned bodies,
our lifeless relatives,
and eventually
our own lifeless bodies too?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why did you extinguished our flame of hope?
Why did you extinguish our trust in you?
Mr. Rwanda why did you extinguish our lives?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why were the Tutsi treated this way?
Why let them hunt us, abuse and kill us so?
One more question.
Why do you hate us so?

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