Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Does life have instruction?.... ©

Doesn't life have instructions?
It does at and at the same time it doesn't
It has nothing to do with the bible 
or that YOLO crap
Nor just doing whatever you want 
But what If there was a universal set of 
It would mean that everyone would be the 
Exact same person
With the exact same job and problems.
Isn't that why people want to be popular
To be different and noticed?
But If you guys want to be different
Then why do you want the same instructions?
Here's what I would tell you to do
I say always think about how things
Would effect you and those around you
Make a list of pro an cons
And think does it balance out?
Does it matter what people say?
It does not matter unless you care what is said
Is it worth it?
Is it worth feeling sad, angry, frustrated and or
self -conscious and uncomfortable
Will it make me happy?
It will make you more confident IF you ignore it
Will this benefit me in the long run?
Will the decision you make help you?
These these things should make you analyze 
And rationalize a situation
If you do them right you should be 
These are my personal rules to having a happy 
and secure life

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