Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Burned Rose... ©

The Burned Rose...

The burned rose has a story
It's unique 
It's beautiful
It's scarred 
The rose is damaged
The rose isn't pretty
It's beautiful
The rose is amazing 
The rose is fragile 
The rose isnt the same 
The rose isnt flawless anymore
It is scarred and, damaged
It is owned
It is property 
I'm the rose 
And you are the damager
"Why would you do this to me?" I ask.
You say, " I did it to make you more beautiful."

The Face... ©

The Face...

The Face is being deformed
The face is being cut
The face is being bruised 
Its Bleeding
The face looks familiar
The face is being burned 
The face is being dragged
The face is being molded
Now I know why 
The face looks familiar
That's because it's mine
The face is a puppet 
And society is the 