Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why fight

Why Fight???

Why fight for something that wasn't yours to fight for?
Why fight for something you never had?
Why miss something you never knew?
Why fight for a love that’s not felt?
Why care for something that does not care for you?
Why fight a battle that can never be won?

Why live to die, when people are dying to live?

Why fear what is covered in light but not what is covered
in darkness?
Why fear salvation when when you should fear your impending
Why fear your creator when you should fear your destroyer?

Why fight a battle you know you cannot win?

Why hurt the ones you love when it should be the ones you hate?
Why say you love someone when you don't?
Why raise someone and then say, that you didn't raise them?
Why would the bully, victimize, when the bully is being haunted by
their own demons?

Why fix what can't be salvaged?

Why take a life when you soon won’t have one of your own?
Why shed a tear when its not yours to shed?
Why miss something you never knew?

Why fear death if it can be your only salvation?

Why celebrate life when it causes so much pain?
Why cause suffering if you can't handle you own?
why mourn what never perished?

Why live when you can soon die?
Why? Why?

Why live when you are slowly and bitterly dying?
Why love the unlovable?
Why even try?
Why live to die but not die to live?

Why be scared of something that is so merciless, broken and cruel when you know not true?
Why care for something that doesn't care for you?
Why lie when the truth is already announced?
Why trust the unworthy?
Why live when when you know you cannot create life?

Why live when you know you're gonna die?


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mr. Rwanda

Mr. Rwanda,
Why would you do this?
Why do you hate the Tutsi?
Why would you let this happen?

Mr. Rwanda
Why did you let so many die?
Many died without a reason

Mr. Rwanda,
What was the point of targeting kids?
Why would you target and kill
all those innocent children?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why kill them kids,
when you should be killing:
the blood stained, the guilty and the tainted?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why are you so angry with the Tutsi?

Mr. Rwanda
Why wouldn't you protect us?
Why did you betray us?

Mr.  Rwanda,
Why do you hate us so?  

Mr. Rwanda,
Why did you make your lands,
turn into mass graves,
Soils ridden with innocent bloods,
a personal hell on earth,
well for some.
Why do you hate us so?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why did you send us to our deaths ?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why did you sign our death certificates?
Why do you loathe us so?

Mr. Rwanda,
Are you ashamed?
Why did you turn away from our people,
being bludgeoned,
being raped,
and our massacre?
Mr. Rwanda,
Why did you turn away,
from the bludgeoned bodies,
our lifeless relatives,
and eventually
our own lifeless bodies too?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why did you extinguished our flame of hope?
Why did you extinguish our trust in you?
Mr. Rwanda why did you extinguish our lives?

Mr. Rwanda,
Why were the Tutsi treated this way?
Why let them hunt us, abuse and kill us so?
One more question.
Why do you hate us so?